Christmas Tea White Russian

Our Special Blend Christmas Tea is back and now packaged in 100% biodegradable pyramid bags. To celebrate with you, we've designed a fabulously festive drink using the spicy, fragrant pyramid tea bags to create a syrup.

Christmas White Russian Recipe


Christmas Tea Syrup

4 Christmas Tea pyramid bags

250ml freshly boiled water

4 tbsp honey

1 tsp vanilla extract

Christmas Tea White Russian

75ml vodka

50ml spiced rum

75ml Christmas Tea syrup

75ml double cream

Ice cubes

Star anise or cinnamon, for garnish


1. Infuse the Christmas Tea in the water and add the honey and vanilla extract to make a strong syrup. Leave to brew and cool to room temperature.

2. Add ice cubes, vodka, spiced rum and Christmas Tea syrup to a cocktail shaker. Shake and strain over a short glass with ice cubes.

3. Add the double cream and garnish with cinnamon and/or star anise.