The Sowenna Appeal supports a 14 bed specialist mental health unit for teenagers located in Bodmin. Before the Sowenna unit opened in September 2019, young people who needed inpatient mental health support would in many cases have to travel hundreds of miles from home. Being away from family and friends and with the expense of the travel, there was a great need for a dedicated facility in the county.
A real first for Cornwall, the stylish Sowenna building offers a cafe, therapeutic gardens, sports and recreational activities, and accommodation for parents too. Its friendly feel ensures that Sowenna doesn’t feel like a medical institution, but a place for its visitors to feel at home, and not excluded from day to day activities while receiving treatment for their mental health condition.
Now the unit is open, Sowenna is raising money to respond to the needs of our young people, and to purchase specialist equipment and therapeutic programmes that go above and beyond what the NHS can provide to help facilitate activities that have a positive impact on the young person’s recovery, and their general health and wellbeing.
For further information, please get in touch on sowenna.charity@nhs.net or visit sowenna.cornwallft.nhs.uk